Thursday, May 21, 2015

Breaking Ground


 Open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled.

 biddable,manageable, controllable, governable, persuadable,

         This is Cyrus' character word of the week. Or maybe month. And it has become ours as well. Rather a running comment or joke in the house now. We have moved into a bedroom in the house of our friends we stayed with on vacation last year. Dick and Marian have so graciously opened their home for us to stay in while we "get settled." I have always thought that was a strange phrase for moving, just go and move in and be happy! I have moved I believe 22 times in my life now. It was always a breeze! Well, I never realized all of the logistical tasks that the responsible parties of must complete when moving a household, especially after having just sold a business. Wow Mom, you are incredible!

We are looking at a couple of properties to purchase with the intention of fixing up, living in and eventually selling for a profit. It is a unique location for this goal because of the high turnover rate of Alaska.There are quite a number of abandoned lots with half built houses, shacks, or cabins on them. Perfect for a talented carpenter like my husband.
One of the unfinished properties we're evaluating. Don't ask me why they made it look like a castle...!?

"Uncle Dick" as Cyrus refers to our friend, house parent, and adopted grandparents

We are also both in communication with several potential employers. We're praying and evaluating options carefully, because this jobs will drastically effect our future life routines. For example, there are many jobs that include traveling to a distant Alaskan village for a week to months at a time.We do not want to be separated as a family for extended times, so if we do this it will be temporary or in the future or together.
Cyrus and Daddy working the trackhoe to clear some of Dick's  and Marian's and for a bigger garden this year. We will be sharing the work and produce of their garden plot this year. Alaska jumbo size veggies to come!

     The main area requiring us to be amenable has been simply in living situation. It is a community setting here. Dick and Marian rent out their basement apartment, a bedroom, and a camper out to two women, one with her daughter, and a man in the camper. They also care for a mentally disabled Native Alaskan woman who has lived with them for 15 years. Janet is about at the social developmental level of an 8 year old but the mental level of preschooler. So she repeats the same phrases constantly. But Cyrus interacting with her is comically hilarious. They repeat questions and answers back and forth. I may try to catch it on videoCyrus gives her a hug and kiss every night before bed. :)

So it reminds me a bit of the compound living situation that we lived in in Haiti. Only to the point that there is always someone around and something going on. And any time two human beings live together there will be numerous aspects that they do totally different then you would. Not that its wrong, just different. And then there is just the working out and communicating how everything will happen: laundry, meals, cleaning, expenses, personal time, agenda...and so far we have noticed that plans change, a lot. But that's ok! Because we are amenable :)

The weather here is perfect. It was up to 71 today enough to work up a good sweat and lil' tan while laboring in the garden plot "working the land." Man, it is hard to believe that the pioneers cleared hundreds of acres of woods into plantable fields. WOW.
MUCH work completed, much more to come!
Nothing like Alaska as an after dinner four-wheeler ride down to the gas station for an ice cream store.
It is about 7pm in this picture... Daddy and Cyrus got an ice cream cone. Mommy got some melatonin.

The gas station just down the road- Four wheeler routes along the side of the road everywhere.

Horseback riding at Dick's 100 acre homestead.

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