Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Cinco de Mayo on the Road

 Day 6 May 6, 2015
Location: Estevan, Saskatchawan  “The Energy City”
High today of 66. Rain on the forecast for today’s driving.

“Come with me from Lebanon, my bride…depart from the peak of Amana….from the dens of lions and the mountains of leopards.”  (songs 4:8)

Lebanon is a white mountain of perpetual snow. The peak of Amana is a mountain of the origin of the river Amana, which flowed down and watered the fertile valley. Lions are the image of strength but fierceness and cruelty, their den is their refuge. The root word for leopards in Hebrew means to filtrate, be limpid (unclouded, translucent, transparent, to be free of anything that darkens).
It’s time to come down from the secluded suffering and pains of sifting trials. These seasons and places are necessary in our lives, but to remain there would steal from LIFE, defeating the very purpose of that trial. To stay at the origin of a river would miss out on all the abundance that it brings! To make a safe place in the cruelty of my trials is to set up home with lions. Jesus calls me to Come Down with Him and experience the abundance in fertile ground fed by the river of suffering!
Listen to this song and dance! {Thank you to my dear friend Danielle for introducing me to Rend Collective. I play their songs and celebrate every morningJ

Did you know that Pandora is not allowed in Canada?  Preposterous!

Cyrus' roadtrip toy of the day- from Ada

Flat Flat Flat! Minnesota

Cyrus talking to his beloved Nana

 Yesterday (cinco de Mayo) we drove through the entire state of North Dakota.  Here is my description: brown, flat, empty, oil rigs, tumbleweed, gravel mounds, and dust storms.  I’ve never known anyone from North Dakota, but I wonder what would keep them excited. The area we saw was SO bland!  Oil rigs were scattered everywhere  rhythmically bobbing up and down like an eerie machine in Star Wars. We did see a white buffalo though. They are one in 10,000, and we saw one!
We were an hour away from the Canadian border at 4:30 and decided, “hey, we might as well cross it!” If you ever have the same situation, find a place to sleep and tackle that task fresh in the morning. Three hours later we finally drove away. Ah well, saved us $600 from mailing our hunting and bear safety tools. We stayed at a hotel last night (with wifi) as it was 9:30pm Saskatchewan time(11:30pm PA time) by the time we were in civilization again. I made my bullet-proof coffee at a car outlet outside this morning J
On to the vast expanse of our trip called CANADA!

He's such a good roadtripper. Busy hammering with his Grandma's present toy tool set

Canadian Border Crossing

Oil Rigs Dotting the Landscape.

Gravel Mounds in Canada from Strip Mining

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it through. When border patrol called me about the guns I was hoping I knew the right answers. Wasn't paying a lot of attention what you took or left:). Was praying that you got through ok and found a place to rest. Love reading your posts. Love ya
