Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Silver-White Winters That Melt Into Spring

Well here we are, at the end of winter. Most of you reading this are enjoying bare feet and butterflies. While we trudge with  muckboots through the yard mud puddles and search for a little blue in the cold sky. But it will be all that more of a glorious spring when it comes! It's been a lousy "Alaskan" winter. Very little snow compared to their norm. The residents here all wish for more snow. Maybe next year we'll be able to drive our snowmachine right from our house.

Right now I am currently 3 days past my due date awaiting this kickboxing little brother or sister. I feel like buying one of those T-shirts that says "NO, I have not had my baby yet!" Or at least putting it on my voicemail. Next time I am not informing the public of my due date... Just to let you know, It still could be a whole week or more. We are excited. My mom is here for three weeks and Chadd's mom will come 10 days later. A lot of people waiting to love on your little one!

Both of our jobs are going well. This is the best job I have ever had. Check out my bio: http://www.matsumidwifery.com/content/sabrina-yoder-cnm-anp  They treat their employees so wonderfully! And I haven't heard a single word of negativity from one staff about another. Pretty astounding. Chadd has excelled well on different jobs he's lead. That Lancaster County work-ethic isn't common here. His bosses are duly impressed. He also has brought home some nice finds from jobs that they were going to toss in the dumpster, including some waders I'll use this summer, roofing for a future home or cabin or shed, walkie talkies that Cyrus loves, and quality fishing reels. 

Our home remodel is coming gradually. In between Chadd grabbing his last chances to snomachine up on the mountain with friends. The new tub is in and our driveway has 2 loads of gravel down. My kitchen cabinets have no doors. It's very convenient. Who decided to put doors on cabinets? I can find everything instantly. So can my guests. Brilliant. 

Here's a treat I compiled of some of our winter fun. Next blog will be of our new family of four!


  1. Just checked out your profile Sabrina. So excited for you both on this adventure of a lifetime! Keep up the amazing work. Love you ❤️

  2. Thank you again for your honesty and for sharing with us, here where the season hasn't decided if winter should be over or not. Love to your family, and prayers for you as you continue the days ahead. (Psalm 25).

  3. Wonderful to see you all so happy Sabrina! I am super happy and proud of you at your new job!
