Thursday, July 2, 2015

Growing like a....Alaskan Zucchini

I had a job interview today with a local family practice. They are very interested, and will let me know about an offer after reviewing their patient and financial numbers. I'm interested, but would like to see if God has this as His best for me this season...

Our garden is growing leaps and bounds! It is exciting to literally WATCH the vegetation grow with this 20 hours of daylight Alaskan summer. I am going to measure how much a zucchini grows in 24 hours. But you can visibly see it! pretty cool.

Our growing boy, showing the first of our radish and cilantro harvest.

The bounty of hard labor: fresh leaf lettuce and radish salad with purchased spring onion and walnuts lovingly mailed by my Baba for my birthday, which I activated (soaked), drizzled in olive oil and sprinkled with Himalayan salt and curry powder; with some papaya seeds scattered for extra superfood benefits :)
Served with pan fried Alaskan halibut, stirfried Alaskan rhubarb with onions and carrots.
Mmmm... And this is just an ordinary lunch!

Is he up to something or what?!

Yes, you actually CAN grow a garden in Alaska. Very well in fact. The 20 hours of sunlight in the summer makes for rapid growth you can literally watch from grow overnight. A lot of time spend bulldozing & Chain-sawing (Chadd), rock pulling, plowing, shoveling, & fertilizing (both of us), and planting, weeding, thinning, & mulching (me). Now we finally start the harvesting!

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