Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Alaska News Report- (and fun) June 24th, 2015-- per Sabrina.

Dick and I were sitting talking in the living room and the lamps and globe started shaking. Our first Alaskan earthquake! It was a 5.8 on the Richter scale. Chadd was working on scaffolding when he felt it. The first of many more to come I'm sure. Alaska actually has 50-100 earthquakes DAILY. . We have more earthquakes than all of the other U.S. states combined. And historically, three of the largest 6 recorded quakes in the world were in Alaska. Most of the quakes occur on the Aleutian Islands which follow the fault line between the North American plate and the Pacific tectonic plates precisely. You can see the ridge on google maps.Anyway, just in case you didn't think we lived adventurously enough ;)

The weekend that Chadd, Cyrus, and I took our fourwheeler up to the crashed B29 we spotted a large puff of cloud on the way back that we hadn't seen before. "Hm, wonder what that is?" It grew larger within a short amount of time. When we returned our suspicions were confirmed. A wildfire broke out in Willow. Some of our friends were on standby if they needed to evacuate. But thankfully their home and acres were spared. A total of over 500 square miles have burned in Alaskan wildfires this season. And over 200 fires are still currently ablaze. This summer's temperatures warmer than the average. But, fires are a normal part of Alaska summer's every year. Some wildfires are normal in the ecosystem cycle. Just not when it destroys peoples homes. The worst fire on record was in 2004, fires burned up a total area larger than Rhode Island and Delaware combined. Alaska has called in Smokejumpers and firefighters form the lower 48 states and has the priority fires manned.

I'll keep you posted.

This sun is definitely affecting me. It's 10:25 and broad daylight outside with blue sky, pastel clouds, and snowy tufts of cottonwood tree seeds drifting through the air. I don't feel a bit tired. But I'll go to bed soon, with a mask over my eyes and melatonin under my tongue. 

The pictures tell the rest.

A trail ride at The Reindeer Farm. You can find the business listing on a map of Alaska "The Reindeer Farm and Kim's Trail Rides." Kim is my new friend, pictured in the third photo below:
A baby reindeer!

Cyrus happily at a sitters while we were on the trail ride. They had cotton candy, watched Frozen, and played Toilet tag. Does he look like he's having fun?

Grizzly track....

Not sure what this is, but it looks mystically beautiful. Like wild Alaskan cotton.

Of course, where does he end up?

They hatched!! We had a poor turnout the first time, but we have 7 miracle chicks under a red lamp 5 feet from me right now (the incubator got cold twice). Another set of 26 eggs on the way.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy you are keeping a blog so we can "live it" a little with you. I love love love the videos of Cyrus!!!! Post more!
