Sunday, July 12, 2015

Counting My Blessings

Riding on a stately black Fresian mix mare with spirit and speed with three other Alaskan gals in the green fielded foothills of Pioneer Peak looming above, through moos trails lined with purple wild flowers, across teal green glacier fed creeks, and cantering through a tall cottonwood tree forest. The rocky Alaskan mountains are overwhelming every time you fill your eyes with the immense beauty. So wild. Growing up in the soft and cozy valley of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia I am used to looking over the horizon to view the hazy range. Here however, you crane your neck above you and nearly have your breath taken away, again. This is what I believe the the Psalmist meant when he wrote, "Your righteousness is like the highest mountains."

Laughing histerically trying to hang on while my husband and I gallop around the curvy Gold Rush trail in the mountains of Hatcher Pass after a beaver slapped his tail at the strange passersby, spooking my horse and hurling him into a gallop, then Chadd's plump mare tolting at an incredible quick speed making him comment that she "sure is shaking her booty!", sending me into uncontrollable laughter again.

My 2 1/2 year old comic show playing dentist with me. When I ask, "So sir, what seems to be bothering you?" He answers,
"You're bothering me!"

Taking a 15 minute family fourwheel jaunt after dinner down to Wasilla creek to try our hand at fishing for wild creek trout. Watching my sons eyes light up as he puts all his focus and energy into reeling in the 4 inch prize.

Looking out the window right now at my amazing colorful garden. Well, our garden. Though I feel like claiming ownership for all the work I've put into it. Its about 2 hours a day of weeding, mulching, thinning, and harvesting. I need to cut the cilantro down again before it bolts. And freeze some collards and swiss chard for the winter. The fresh light green curly lettuce and sweet red radishes are scrumptious!

Giggling so hard with my new friend Tamira as we spoon more delicousness into our late night bowls of desert while the husbands talk outside.

Ahh.... Thank you God for our wonderful life.


  1. So awesome how the Lord is blessing you guys!!!

  2. So happy for you! Wish I could help you with your garden and ride the horses with you!
