Friday, February 16, 2024

Farewell Wrangell


Yes, we’re moving again!





 These are rare events for most, but have become part of our normal life over the last 13 years. This will be our 8th move in the last 8 years, and our 4th house purchase. For myself personally, I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve moved in my life, probably close to 30. This is good for some things, like the fact that moving is not typically stressful or difficult for me. But leaving friends who have become close is never easy. And moving with kids has its own challenges. They’re not used to moving. For Darius and Addy this is most of their life that they remember.

  Chadd has been transferred with AWT to the Ketchikan post for a 2 year contract. Ketchikan is another island in southeast Alaska, just a 6 hr ferry ride or a short 30 min flight from Wrangell. It has a population of 8000 people (compared to Wrangell’s 1,900), three elementary schools, a college, a Three Bears,  a Walmart, and what my boys are excited about (But won’t hardly get) a McDonald’s 🤦🏽‍♀️

When we first moved to Wrangell we were uncertain how long we would stay. But after our 2 year commitment was complete and Ketchikan came open Chadd applied and was accepted. We are leaving 2 months shy of 3 years from when we arrived. 

  We’ve thoroughly enjoyed our time on this  island. Wrangell is a bit like stepping back in time when towns were small enough for literally everyone to know everyone (or be related to everyone!). With its populace of 1900 residents  the experience of small town safety allows keys to be left in vehicles and kids walk to stores alone. The nearness of neighbor kids within walking distance on a network of trails between houses, biking to run errands, and our kids walking to school were some of my favorite aspects. We’ve enjoyed the constant community events, sports and performances, and we can never forget Wrangell’s incredible Fourth of July entire week of festivities. The numerous hunting, fishing, hiking, camping and river are a whole other world of adventures that speaks for themselves. 

After the mudslide it was ever more clear the priceless value of a community that rallies around to help their own when disaster strikes. I’ve never been part of such universal volunteerism and service. Although I’ve done many missions trips, this was different. It want someone else coming in to be the savior. It was by the people themselves, for their neighbors. Good hearted people still do exist. 

We are each looking forward to Ketchikan uniquely. Chadd will enjoy the brotherhood of troopers and additional LEO (Coast Guard, NOAA, Fish and Game) that the one man post of Wrangell lacks. We’re both anticipating a larger arena of fitness opportunities. Darius is excited to get into soccer and Addy is exuberant to start gymnastics. Cyrus is the most apprehensive. He has quite the gaggle of friends in Wrangell he dreads leaving. He is my extreme extrovert and fears isolation as a consequence of relocating. But he is also very quick to make friends. And we all delight in exploring new trails and beaches. Plus, I must say the additional grocery, medical and resource options on a larger island will be appreciated. 

So goodbye Wrangell, thank you for allowing us to participate in your tight knit community for almost three years. Take care, and keep up the good work!

For more details on our tribute to Wrangell see here

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