Sunday, January 14, 2024

A Devastating Mudslide in Wrangell Alaska


Natural disaster stuck the small community of Wrangell on November 20, 2023 at 8:51pm pm. 
Extensive rainfall the entire fall season culminated in acutely heavy precipitation that day combined with high winds created the conditions that lead to the devastating 700 feet wide slide that continued into the ocean killing an entire family of five and an elderly gentlemen, and cutting off transportation on the single road leading to 70 homes.  In a community the size of Wrangell, this affects every single member. 

We heard sirens that night passing our home and my husband immediately dispatched to the scene upon hearing the CB radio transmission. He was gone all that night searching for survivors and each of the subsequent days and nights with brief breaks for a change of clothes or a couple hours of sleep, as were all the other first responders. One woman survived with a miraculous story of being trapped in her attic on top of the pile that was her home, carried by the power of the mudslide. 

The community of Wrangell responded in force. Private boats went out looking for survivors and then transported those stranded by the covered roadway. Residents offered the rooms, food, clothing, and furniture to the displaced.  Accounts were set up for monetary donations for fuel for the boat transport and individual families. The parks and rec coordinated and community Thanksgiving meal and donation center that was quickly stocked by eager to help neighbors. If you have to be in a town with a disaster, I do not know a better place than Wrangell. 

The Memorial service for the entire Heller Family was held yesterday,
January 13, 2024. It was heart wrenching. Such beautiful lives cut short.
This community will always remember them
and never be the same.


Kara Heller was 11 years old. She was in my son's class and he played with her every day. Her smile in this picture is captivating and pains my soul that she didn't get to live longer. May the joy she brought to the world live on.

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